AngElInA lOvEr
aNGeLiNa JoLie and FORUM


life or something like it

OrIngAl sIn

tOmb rAIdEr




  b i - o

jAmEs hAvEn

fAn mAIl




R U A AngElInA lOvEr

email me if you wanna be the angelina love for the week

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nAmE: shAnE
location: NM
fan since: 2 years

fav quote: "Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from over mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life."

fav movie: gone in 60 seconds

fav movie quote: 'you might try to kill me' 'i won't kill you' 'i'd said you try'

why are these your fav pics: because they show a side of her that sometimes can be hiden
plus i love tomb raider and gia

"I haven't touched a knife in a really long time--I don't need one, I don't want one. Mind you, I will be doing Tomb Raider, and I will probably throwing them. But I was 14. I was like a real punk kid, and I was going out of my mind. And then sex was boring and I was working and..."

"Well, at 14 I was a little, like, 'Don't touch me!' and that doesn't really help when you're having sex. A lot of it came from trying to get out all the pain that was inside me. You can't join a war, so you have this weird war with yourself. Now, everything is just different."